Do not forget to be thankful=)

happy-people-gratitude-thankfulness-quote (1)

My greetings to everyone!

Well, my first post here would possess character that is more informal. I would like to say “thank you” to mr.Montgomery, for this opportunity to share ideas and thoughts with our “cohort stakeholders” (I mean all of you). This post will serve just like a reminder to be thankful for every chance that we have in our bright life.

To begin with, I would like to say that we are privileged people. We were born in Kazakhstan; in the rich country (geographically well situated, economically well opportunistic etc.). We had to chance study at schools and graduate from universities.

As well as just to be thankful that we can eat, love and pray (as one of titled book of Elizabeth Gilbert). Happy people can walk, dance, carelessly study and work, afford themselves to relax sometimes and develop, develop, develop.

Speaking of the current time, we all enjoy studying in the best university in Kazakhstan. We also enjoy chatting and socializing with each other; challenging ourselves to be better and learning something new every day. We get stipends as one monthly salary, just to not worry about our pocket money. I dare to say that even free wi-fi is a privilege. When you are thankful for every single thing you have, you appreciate it more. Finally, as I said before, this post is like a reminder: Never forget to be thankful and remember that millions of people would like to be instead of you!

P.S. All of you are so awesome individuals, that personally I express my thankfulness to meet all of you! And being honest, I do not like to consider ourselves as a future educational leaders=) I prefer to say current leaders! Ability to manage rationally all that you got and appreciate it – is a leadership. Sorry for a long post-scriptum=)

9 thoughts on “Do not forget to be thankful=)

  1. Dear Didara, thank you for such inspirational post that again remind me to appreciate all i have!!! I completely agree with your approach to life!!! This is really great that such a young girl understands, on one hand the most simple, but on the other hand the most vital secret of happy life!!!


    1. Thank you too, Zukhra! You are right…important things (as feelings of gratitude) do not necessarily should be difficult to understand, but more difficult to keep in mind. Because as a human nature, we wili always want more and more. From time to time it is good to have “mental hunger” for self-imrovement and development; but still we should look back and realize what we had and have…


      1. Yeah, Dida, people should keep the balance between mental hunger and the feel of gratitude for all they have!


  2. Dear Didara!

    Thank you very much for your brilliant post! I am impressed by what you have written here. Everything is very right! Sometimes we (like all people on the Earth) are not tired of complaining about anything we are not satisfied with. Therefore, we are asking God so many stupid questions…like “Why am I not happy?”, “Why I do not have a fancy car or apartment?”, “Why is this happening with me?” and etc. We forget that if we have a family and we are all HEALTHY is all we need for being HAPPY! We also forget that the rest of the tiny and less important things we can create ourselves! We forget that WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for OUR OWN HAPPINESS! Here I am reminded of the beautiful words by Ralph Marston: “Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come FROM YOU!!!”.

    P.S. We all are born to be HAPPY!!!


  3. Thank you! This is odd as I also wanted to start posting by thanking NU and all teachers. Indeed, we are very lucky. Surely, we have to thank every single day that brings us new opportunities and knowledge.

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  4. Dear Dossetova. Thank you for your post. It reminded me of a poem of my favorite poet Mukhtar Shakhanov “What is happiness (Бақыт деген немене).” Trying to answer the question “What happiness is” the poet thinks about several possible ways of what it might be. Then he gives an example of two families. The first family is wealthy and powerful. It seems like they have everything to be happy, although, they don’t appreciate what they have. The second family is very poor. On the day when a husband receives a salary he tries to decide with his wife how to spend it. He suggests to buy a dress for his wife, whereas, his wife says that it would be better to get him some clothing as she has a dress. At the end they come to conclusion to get winter clothes for an old woman in their village whose child died and she has no one. By this example he demonstrated that happiness is all about being grateful for what you have. The poem really touched me. I also thought how simple everything is. All we need to be happy is just to learn to appreciate small things and be grateful. It seems like most of the negative things and feelings of unhappiness happen, because our human nature always wants to have something more or something else regardless of how much we have (Steindl-Rast). Let us all be happy!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Didi, your post made me smile!!!
    Thank YOU for that nice motivation and reminder that we have to be thankful. The world will become brighter and kinder if we will smile always and greet each other.
    “Who if no we, when if not now” (unknown author). It connects to the statement that we are current leaders!

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  6. I love your message! Thanks! And to be thankful is a real ability. Even say “thank you” sometimes is not easy). Especially it’s difficult for people who tend to critisize and complain about everything that exists.
    The word “thank you” in Russian is translated “спасибо”, which means “Спаси, Бог” – “Save, God”, In other words, we wish a person to be saved by God, which is the highest expression of our love. So as current leaders let’s thank people and not to be shy doing this, because every “thank you” is a child of Love!

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