All posts by marzhanamantayevna

How to avoid a procrastination?

what-do-you-study-procrastinationSleepless nights, depression, increased stress, overloaded working conditions, have you ever faced with such problems? If your answer is “yes”, it means that we are in the same boat. These negative aspects of our life are strictly connected with factor postponing everything till the last moment or improperly spreading of time.

Some of you might mention several other factors such as:

  • Loss of interest,
  • Unsuccessful final result,
  • Time-management,
  • Fear of success,
  • Emotional condition,
  • Unsuccessful experience in the past,
  • Fear of critique, mistake and grade;

which also might influence on realization your goals. The collaboration of all these obstacles, in general it calls

This phenomenon, according to some researches, was divided into two types, “active” and “passive” (as cited in Choi & Moran, 2009). So called “active procrastinators”, is such group of people who does not escape from responsibilities but procrastinate their decision making due to the shortage of time. Next, demonstration of “active” is to make these tasks more challengeable in order to solve these “hard” tasks. Another type of procrastinators is the “passive” ones who delay solving their problems until the last moment and it becomes for them a usual case, habit.

“Passive” procrastination might cause a lot of unexpected obstacles; such law academic achievements, missing deadlines, low course grades and course elimination might become the reasons of the procrastination (Kim & Seo, 2013).

images (3)In order to find out the solutions there was organized training for the students in NU by our psychologies, on theme “How to avoid the procrastination”(2015).

Support group of psychologies explained in details the reasons of procrastination and shared with us some possible solutions which might be helpful for you.images (1)

In order to overcome this challenge psychologies suggest several solutions, such as:

  • Setting goals,
  • Time-management,
  • Put smaller goals (step by step),
  • Healthy sleep,
  • Management of the process,
  • Make a presents for yourself,
  • Training of will,
  • Training of concentration
  • Avoid disturbers (social networks, switch of mobile phone).

In order to improve the quality instead of quantity, you may practice some exercises, such as “Method of tomato”.download (1)

The main goal is to concentrate and spend 25min one an activity, for instance, reading of the text, afterwards you can take 3-5 min break and after that do it again. The maximum number of “tomatoes” should be 3-4 times and then there should take long break, 30min or more.

“Concentration” is the second exercise. The goal of this task is to pay attention on each your action with deep attention. For instance, eating- each spoon, and each piece of meal must be chewed and tasted careful. Such activity will practice your attention and concentration on our current actions.

According to the statistics, 80% of final result is in our hands, in spite of illness, lack of time, desire, disturbing thing. Studies revealed that the time management, health, emotional conditions, fears might be the obstacles but the main role plays training of your effort that will be your main engine which lead you toward “A” grades and successful achievements.  Like in famous advertisement was said, “Just DO it!”.

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Choi, J. & Moran, S. (2009). Why not procrastinate? Development and validation of a new active procrastination scale.

Retrieved from:

Kim, E., & Seo, E. (2013). The relationship of flow and self-regulated learning to active procrastination.

Retrieved from:

MUSIC- around us

download“Each statistic person spends 13 years of their lives listening to music”- it was the message in order to promote show on the radio, the UK. The number is very huge, and it sounds like a truth because music is everywhere.

Undoubtedly, we know how music effects on peoples’ moods, behaviors and wishes form such kind of perspective we can observe implementation of music in different spheres of life too. Implementation of music might be divided in several aspects such as consumerism, medicine and education.

Based on special characteristics of melodies, sounds and music itself, such as rehabilitation and recreation, it also was implemented and cooperated with others spheres of medicine. Music physiology, music psychology, and music therapy are the new waves in medicine. The main goal of such type of therapy is to create comfortable and relaxing ambient environment for fostering process of recovery after physical or emotional traumas.images

Besides enjoying music for relaxation and rehabilitation, “sharks” of marketing industry use music for promoting goods and ideas which are broadcasted in the mass media and became very popular ones. The main reasons of becoming so popular, according to Jensen, are an impact of music on attention, meaning, and memory (as cited in Griffin, 2006, p. 22).

images (1)Music effects on memorization and attention but how might music impacts on students’ improvements in their mental thinking, emotional and sociological skills during their studies.

Several investigations were done on the topic of the academic achievements and study environment. Some studies reviled that the background music can positively influence on social ambience, academic performance, aid learning and emotional status of the students. Another implication of background music is as a student controller.  Non-music teachers, Ebert and Savan demonstrate their own experience in the classroom environment (as cited in Griffin, 2006, p. 22). The project lasted 5 month and the work was conducted with special needs children. The study defined essential materials and the reaction of the children was unexpected. During the background Mozart’s music, children felt themselves very comfortable and became relaxed, even noise in the class room became quitter, but when the music was switched off the boom increased rapidly.images (2)

Another implementation of the background music is as a gap-filler during the classes. Depending on music content, it might enrich their inner world with modern, ethno-folk classic music which might serve as warming up. Another way of increasing students’ patriotic feelings is switching on national anthem in schools.

Summing up, we can see an incredible power and influence of music on people’ mental thinking, emotional and physical health which might not be replaced with other therapies or activities but instead of it might foster and twofold the final results. Brigs states that “the basic purpose of education is to bring individuals closer to the goal of optimal use of talent and enjoyment of life” and if music makes this process easier, more successful, more enjoyable so let’s use it in our classrooms too (as cited in Griffin, 2006, p. 22).


Griffin, M. (2006). Background music and the learning environment: borrowing from other disciplines. Retrieved from